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ミクロネシア海底通信ケーブルー日本企業の参入目指せ! [2015年03月19日(Thu)]
ミクロネシアの島々を結ぶ海底通信ケーブルの事業に世銀が大きな融資を付けた事を以前ブログに書いた。そして、公開入札には、日米の安全保障上も、是非日本、若しくは日米の企業で落として欲しいと、日本・太平洋島嶼国 友好議員連盟総会会長の古屋圭司議員に陳情し、日本政府にも是非後押しをして欲しい、と在FSMの坂井大使に申し入れた。



・世銀供与総額 47.5百万ドル
・ヤップ,パラオ,グアム間のケーブル敷設 22.5百万ドル
・チューク、ポンペイ間のケーブル敷設 18.5百万ドル
・コスラエ通信衛星施設整備 3.5百万ドル
A技術支援,管理支援 3百万ドル
南太平洋大学の法例データベース [2015年03月11日(Wed)]
このデータベース、笹川太平洋島嶼国基金が2001-2003年と, 2006-2008年の6年間, 26,385,192円の助成をしたのが大きなステップとなっている。

FSMに続いてパラオもテレコム法案通過 [2015年02月28日(Sat)]


ここは日米で協力し、パラオーヤップーグアム のまさに中国が示す第二列島線を結ぶ海底通信ケーブルを多方面から支援したい。

Bill to establish Belau Submarine cable Corp passes 3rd reading
THURSDAY, 26 FEBRUARY 2015 11:47

The House of Delegates on February 24 passed on third reading a bill that will establish the Belau Submarine Cable Corporation as a state-owned public corporation-that is authorized to procure, own and manage a fiber optic cable on behalf of Palau.
House Bill No. 9-163-16 states that through Executive Order No. 351, established national information Communications Technology Policy that recognizes the requirement for increased public and private investment in the ICT sector. The ICT policy holds that competitive telecommunications market will encourage investment, improve service quality and choice and allow for efficient pricing.
“Currently, Palau’s international connectivity depends entirely on satellites. Satellite connections carry high costs, permit limited bandwidth and have a high round-trip delay time. Poor telecommunications performance has negative consequences for growth and development across the economy,” the bill stated.
The bill’s legislative findings also stated that a study funded by the World Bank has demonstrated the financial viability of a submarine cable investment to establish broadband internet connectivity to Palau by connecting to the major cable hub in Guam. The State of Yap in the Federated States of Micronesia will also be connected to the Guam hub through this project and mutual participation is essential to the project going forward. A submarine cable investment will supply high quality broadband internet capacity at lower cost to Palau than is currently making high-tech, high-speed telecommunication service accessible and affordable to the broader population.
Palau has requested the Asian Development Bank (ADB) to support the financing of its portion of the submarine internet cable project. As part of the financing arrangements the ADB has made the Republic’s establishment of a company, to be the implementation agency for the project, capable of treating all service providers using submarine cable capacity in a non-discriminatory manner, to be a pre-requisite for ADB board for approval of the loan.
The bill aims that with the establishment of the Belau Submarine Cable Corporation, and the subsequent enabling of fiber optic cable connectivity, will help promote economic growth, improve efficient use of resources and facilitate cooperation on transnational matters including the management and monitoring of natural resources and disaster mitigation.
Once established, the Belau Submarine Cable Corporation will have its office located in Koror and among the purpose of the corporation is for any lawful purpose related to the procurement, ownership and management of a fiber optic cable on behalf of Palau; it is created to create a competitive and level playing field and full access for any business so that a competitive price for the best service may be made available to Palauans and visitors of Palau; and the principal objective of this public corporation is to operate on sound business principles, such as full cost recovery, including the cost of capital, and to ensure open access to the cable for all communications technology service providers so that the benefit of the fiber optic cable accrue to the benefit of the consumer.
The Belau Submarine Cable Corporation will have a board of directors, officers, agents and employees. They will delegate authority to a duly hired Chief Executive Officer. Members of the board will be appointed by the President of Palau with the advice and consent of the Senate.
There will be five members of the board and they will elect a chairman among themselves. Three members of the board will constitute a quorum for carrying out the business of the board. The concurrence of a majority of all members present at any meeting will be necessary to take any official board action.
The board members will serve terms of four years at the conclusion of which they may be reappointed by the President with the advice and consent of the Senate. Board members may be removed by the President for cause.
Until such time as a full five member of the board is appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate, the Finance Minister may act with all of the authority of the board and the Chief Executive Officer.
太平洋の海底ケーブル [2014年12月16日(Tue)]

インヴィジブル・ウェポン―電信と情報の世界史1851‐1945 単行本 – 2013/6
D.R. ヘッドリク (著), Daniel R. Headrick (原著), 横井 勝彦 (翻訳), 渡辺 昭一 (翻訳)



cable graph1.png

cable graph2.png

太平洋を横切る最初の海底ケーブルは、英領バンクーバーからオーストラリア、ニュージーランドに敷かれた。そのために、2つの小さな島が英米に併合されている。Necker islandとFanning Island だ。英国の完全な独占政策が影響しているのだ。絶対他国と相互接続させない。この独占体制、その後百年続く。


インターネットガバナンスと太平洋島嶼国 [2014年12月12日(Fri)]
「それでは UPNetをなんとかして欲しい。できれば島嶼国政府を結ぶ島ネットも。。」


当時ICTの事業をいっしょにやっていたオーストラリアのThe Foundation for Development Cooperation (FDC)から提案があった。WSISを東京でやるらしいが、いっしょにサイドイベントを企画しないか?当時国連大学ともいっしょに仕事をしていたので彼らも巻き込んで結構な島嶼国のメンンバーを集め開催する事ができた。





国際化されるインターネット・ガバナンス (2009−10)
"Internet Course Development by School of Law of USP" [2014年08月12日(Tue)]
Within my 25 years history for working in the Pacific Islands, the "Internet Course Development by the School of Law of USP" is one of my most proudest projects. Before it was called the Vanuatu model, and still now they are taking the lead for the whole of USP.
I was asked by the current Head of the School of Law USP, what we have done for them. I just copied and pasted from SPF web site, as below.
We supported them from 2001-2003, and 2006-2008, a total of 6 years with 26,385,192 yen (about USD250,000)

FY2001 4,507,376yen
Pacific island nations are using the legal systems of their former suzerain powers in conjunction with traditional customs as they engage in nation building. Putting in place their own legal systems and educating the public about them are important to the peace and stability of these relatively new states.
Through this project the University of the South Pacific (USP), which has been offering distance education to Pacific islanders, aims to provide high quality educational materials and interactive classes for students in outlying areas who are enrolled in the School of Law. This year the USP School of Law (website: www.vanuatu.usp.ac.fj) developed 16 new online subjects, adapting the materials used so far, and provided links to the website Pacific Islands Legal Information Institute, a collection of cases, and other databases. A project manager and two technicians were employed to develop Internet courses, and the website was progressively updated. In fiscal 2002, a system for online discussion is to be set up.

FY2002 4,895,510yen
Pacific island nations are using the legal systems of their former colonial powers in conjunction with traditional customs as they engage in nation building. Putting in place their own legal systems and educating the public about them are important to the peace and stability of these relatively new states. Through this project the University of the South Pacific (USP), which has been offering distance education to Pacific islanders, aims to provide high-quality educational materials and interactive classes for students in outlying areas who are enrolled in the School of Law.
This year, about 20 new online subjects were developed for the USP School of Law website (www. vanuatu.usp.ac.fj). Priority was also placed on website system development to enable professors and other teaching staff to freely organize course content with a little training. In addition, improvement of the system for online discussion groups actively encouraged participation by people in outlying areas. This project has been recognized as the “Vanuatu model” for USP as a whole and is playing a leading role in developing new distance education methods.

FY2003 4,532,031yen
The island nations of the Pacific are using the legal systems of their former colonial powers in conjunction with traditional customs as they engage in nation building. Putting in place their own legal systems and educating the public about them are important to the peace and stability of these relatively new states.
In this project the University of the South Pacific (USP), which has been offering distance education to Pacific islanders, aimed to provide high-quality educational materials and interactive classes for students in outlying areas who were enrolled in the School of Law. The School of Law developed a curriculum covering some 60 subjects for bachelor’s and master’s degrees and began offering it at the USP School of Law website, which was set up in 1998 at the USP Centre in Vanuatu (www.vanuatu.usp.ac.fj). Priority was also placed on website system development to enable professors and other teaching staff to freely manage course content with a little training. Active participation of students was made possible by setting up online discussion groups, chat groups, news services, and bulletin boards, all of which were offered on the website together with tests students can take to grade themselves.
The development of these online teaching aids facilitated the introduction of existing courses on law from Australia and New Zealand and enabled university resources to be used more effectively. In a bid to attract students from other regions of the world, the staff of the School of Law held talks with universities and related organizations in Britain, France, Germany, Hong Kong, the United States, and Vietnam. This resulted in students elsewhere being given the opportunity to learn about law in the Pacific island region.
During the three years of its development, this online course of the USP School of Law gained recognition as the “Vanuatu model” of distance education and sparked other such efforts within the university. On the main USP campus in Fiji, online courses based on this model have already been developed and put into use for preschool education, psychology, and training in Pacific island languages. The online law course also enabled the USP Centre in Vanuatu, which has only a small staff and few financial resources, to develop continuous and reliable instruction. Evidence of this is provided by enrolment at the center, which swelled from about 10 students to more than 100 students over the three-year period.
In relation to this project, the Japan International Cooperation Agency has been putting effort into capacity building in distance education, with its focus on USP’s Fiji campus. The people involved in this work also give the Vanuatu model high marks, and they have plans to develop their own audiovisual teaching aids.

FY2006 2,527,725yen
An online course was developed at the School of Law of the University of the South Pacific (USP) under a project entitled “Internet Course Development by School of Law of USP,” that was supported by the Sasakawa Pacific Island Nations Fund in 2001–2003. As a result, the number of students taking the course increased many times over. This project aims to expand the educational opportunities for legal experts by establishing online courses in environmental law and commercial law at the same graduate school and by creating a regional legal database.
This year, the project developed syllabi for courses in Environmental Law and Policy, Comparative Environmental Law, Regional Environmental Law, and International Environmental Law. The Pacific Islands Treaty Series (www.paclii.org/pits/) was also developed, with entries of more than 450 laws and treaties. To develop joint classes between USP and universities in Japan and Asia, the program is exploring the possibility of using the environmental law course of the United Nations University as an online graduate course at the USP School of Law. Discussions are also moving forward with the City University of Hong Kong on the joint development of a course on pollution law.

FY2007 5,428,740yen
The project seeks to expand educational opportunities for legal experts by developing online courses in environmental and commercial law at the University of the South Pacific’s School of Law and by creating a regional legal database. Initial plans called for the simultaneous development of both courses, but given the urgency of measures to deal with global warming and tourism-related environmental pollution in the Pacific region, the courses on environmental law were developed first.
In fiscal 2006 development of course materials began in four subjects: environmental law and policy, comparative environmental law, regional environmental law, and international environmental law. In fiscal 2007 the materials were completed, and the courses were registered as requisites by the USP School of Law. Also, over 80 laws and treaties were added to the Pacific Islands Treaty Series database (www.paclii.org/pits/) created the previous year. The possibility of collaborating with United Nations University was also explored with the aim of developing courses offered jointly by the USP and universities in Japan and other Asian countries.

FY2008 4,493,810yen
This project is designed to enhance educational opportunities for legal experts by developing online courses on environmental law and commercial law at the postgraduate level at the University of the South Pacific (USP) and to expand the Pacific Islands Treaty Series database. It was initially planned to develop courses on both environmental and commercial law simultaneously, but since global warming and environmental pollution caused by tourism are more pressing issues in the Pacific region, the project started with the development of environment law courses in fiscal 2006 and 2007. Then, in fiscal 2008, the final year of the project, the commercial law program was created.
When developing the commercial law program, researchers from the Australian National University and the University of Sydney drew up educational materials for four courses: Foreign Trade and Investment Law, Pacific Commercial Law, E-Commerce Law, and Banking and Finance Law. The project has also continued to collect data on laws and treaties applicable to the Pacific region since the previous fiscal year. Thanks to these efforts, the Pacific Islands Treaty Series database (http://www.paclii.org/pits) of approximately five hundred varieties of laws and treaties has been completed and disclosed to the public.
In the environment law program, educational materials were drawn up for course in Environmental Law and Policy, Comparative Environmental Law, Regional Environmental Law, and International Environmental Law. With the abovementioned commercial law courses, online educational materials for a total of eight courses were completed. The environmental law courses have already been assigned as a prerequisite for the postgraduate (master’s degree) program. Three of these courses are provided by visiting lecturers to approximately 30 students each. In fiscal 2008, the project also held discussions with universities in Asia and Oceania aiming to realize joint lectures for the environmental law program, in collaboration with the United Nations University and the National University of Singapore. The plan was not fully realized during the project term, however, so the universities are currently preparing to start such courses in fiscal 2009 or later. The Pacific Islands Treaty Series database is expected to be used actively by legal experts both inside and outside the Pacific region and to serve as valuable resource material for USP. SPINF expects the online courses developed through this project to contribute to the enhancement of postgraduate-level legal education at USP, while playing a leading role in relevant fields in the Pacific region.
ミクロネシアの海底通信ケーブルに世銀51ミリオンドル か? [2014年07月20日(Sun)]


ミクロネシア連邦通信自由化法案成立 [2014年04月05日(Sat)]





アイリッシュ太平洋に再び登場 デジセル  [2014年06月08日(Sun)]
David-OKeefe.jpg Unknown-1.jpeg Unknown.jpeg




このデジセル、Denis O'Brienというアイルランドのビジネスマンが手がけた会社である。




ちょうど今から150年ほど前、アイルランドのジャガイモ飢饉から逃げ出し、米国に渡り、色々あってヤップに辿りついた有名なアイリッシュがいる。David Dean O'Keefeだ。まだドイツのゴーデフロイ商会が来る前の西太平洋でコプラを中心とした貿易ネットワークを展開した。バート・ランカスター主演の『白人酋長』という映画にもなっている。



Francis X. Hezel, SJ "The Man Who Was Reputed to be King: David Dean O'Keefe", Journal of Pacific History, Vol. 43, No. 2, 2008: 239-252.

Heather Horst, Daniel Miller, "The Cell Phone: An Anthropology of Communication"

3/09/2011 Neil Weinberg
Digicel's Denis O'Brien: Billionaire With A Cause

7/24/2008 Bernard Condon
Babble Rouser
明日からバヌアツICT Day 開催 [2014年05月15日(Thu)]

2014, we are putting up a computer lab for users to have a hands on experience on ICTs, Free Wi-Fi at Seafront for 2 days, exciting panel discussions, presentations and more. Our biggest give away price is the essay competition for secondary school students throughout Vanuatu, where the winner will travel to see the launching of the Kacific satellites into the space (and will be the first person from Vanuatu to experience this) and the runner up will visit a factory where satellites are assembled, thank you Christian and your team at Kacific Broadband Satellites for this massive contribution to boost the event!

ミクロネシア連邦通信自由化法案成立 [2014年04月05日(Sat)]
telecom bill signed on April 3, 2014.JPG

"A Big Moment": President Mori signs the Telecommunication Liberalization bill into law







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