みやざきけんCOVID-19けんこう そうだん センター(いつでも でんわ できます)
みやざきけん Covid-19 けんこう そうだん せんたー(いつでも でんわ できます)
Appointments and Consultations for People with a High Temperature or Similar Symptoms: 〜A Request from the Prefectural Government〜
발열 등의 유증상자 상담・진료에 대해서 〜미야자키현의 부탁의말씀〜
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Appointments and Consultations for People with a High Temperature or Similar Symptoms: 〜A Request from the Prefectural Government〜
발열 등의 유증상자 상담・진료에 대해서 〜미야자키현의 부탁의말씀〜
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