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An international conference on disarmament and non-proliferation education co-hosted by the Government of Japan and the United Nations University, to be held August 10-11 in Nagasaki. Your participation is warmly welcomed!
野田総理・天野IAEA事務局長よりビデオメッセージ [2012年08月09日(Thu)]



<野田総理大臣ビデオメッセージfor Global Forum on Aug.10-11, 2012>

<天野IAEA事務局長ビデオメッセージfor Global Forum on Aug.10-11, 2012>

節子・サーローさんメッセージの多言語化 [2012年08月09日(Thu)]
The video message by Ms. Setsuko Thurlow, one of Hibakusha (the survivors fr nuclear attacks) was translated into over 10 languages! (Voice is in English and only subtitles are translated.)
Please select your language and watch the video.

カナダ在住の被爆者:節子・サーロー(Setsuko Thurlow)さんより届いた被爆証言メッセージが、

1. 日本語(Japanese)
2. 英語(English)
3. オランダ語(Dutch)
4. フランス語(French)
5. ドイツ語(German)
6. ヒンディ語(Hindi)
7. インドネシア語(Indonesian)
8. ポーランド語(Polish)
9. ルーマニア語(Romanian)
10. ロシア語(Russian)
11. スペイン語(Spanish)
12. ウクライナ語(Ukrainian)
13. ウルドゥ語(Urdu)
14. トルコ語(Urdu) New!


Now we are preparing for Chinese ver., Lao ver., Pashto ver., and Turkish ver. etc.
再:節子・サーローさん(カナダ在住)からのビデオ・メッセージ Video message by Mrs. Setsuko Thurlow on Atomic Bombing [2012年08月08日(Wed)]


※ メッセージ内では、原爆投下時、爆心地の地上温度が7000〜8000度に上ったと話されていますが、節子サーロー氏によれば正しくはおよそ4000度とのことです。
Dr. Kathleen Sullivan to participate in the Global Forum on Disarmament and Non-Proliferation Education [2012年06月08日(Fri)]
We are pleased to announce that Dr. Kathleen Sullivan of Hibakusha Stories (www.hibakushastories.org) will participate in the Global Forum on Disarmament and Non-proliferation Education, moderating the session on nuclear weapons on the first day and participating in the NGO session on the second day.

Dr. Sullivan is currently Program Director for Hibakusha Stories, an initiative which provides the opportunity for New York City high school students to hear eyewitness accounts of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August 1945.

Dr. Sullivan is also an education consultant to the United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs, working to develop disarmament-related curricula for the UN's Cyberschoolbus website. In 2005 she produced her first film, a feature documentary about survivors from Nagasaki entitled The Last Atomic Bomb. She is also currently finishing a book, written with Dr. Peter Lucas, entitled Youth Action for Disarmament: 10 Things You Can Do, and is closely affiliated with Peace Boat's Orizuru Project, which brings atomic bomb survivors to ports throughout the world to tell their stories and share their vision for a nuclear free world.




また,サリバン博士は国連軍縮部の教育コンサルタントであり,国連の「サイバー・スクールバス」ウェブサイトのために軍縮関係教材を開発しています。2005年に「The Last Atomic Bomb」(最後の原爆)という長編ドキュメンタリーを初映画として製作しました。更に現在,ピーター・ルーカス博士と共に「Youth Action for Disarmament: 10 Things You Can Do」(青少年の軍縮活動:あなたができる10のこと)と題する本を作成中であり,被爆者と共に地球一周船旅をし,各地で原爆被害の証言及び核兵器のない世界のビジョンを共有するピースボートの「おりづるプロジェクト」と緊密な関係を有します。
Global Forum Flyers [2012年05月25日(Fri)]
The Global Forum on Disarmament and Non-proliferation Education is back on, and will take place August 10-11 in Nagasaki! We are presently working on assembling the programme and confirming participants, and will have more information to post here in the near future, so stay tuned! In the mean time, the two posters below were distributed at the First Session of the Preparatory Committee for the 2015 NPT Review Conference, which took place recently in Vienna.


Global Forum Leaflet I (EN).jpgGlobal Forum Leaflet II (EN).jpg
Global Forum Commercial (Only Japanese) [2011年03月07日(Mon)]


The movie making circle of the University of Nagasaki made for GF a commercial movie.

IAEA Director General Yukiya Amano will provide video message for G.F 天野IAEA事務局長がGFにビデオ・メッセージを提供してくれました。 [2011年03月04日(Fri)]
IAEA Director General Yukiya Amano will provide video message for the Global Forum on Disarmament and Non-Proliferation Education at an opening ceremony on Thursday, 18 March 2011

At the Japanese Foreign Ministry, Mr. Amano was appointed as Director-General for the Disarmament, Non-Proliferation and Science Department until 2005, after serving as a governmental expert on the U.N. Panel on Missiles in April 2001 and on the U.N. Expert Group on Disarmament and Non-Proliferation Education in July 2001. Mr. Amano contributed to the 1995, 2000 and 2005 Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty Review Conferences, and he chaired the 2007 Preparatory Committee for the 2010 Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty Review Conference. (quote from IAEA web site)

ICANにGFが紹介されました。 GF events are putted on a ICAN website [2011年02月28日(Mon)]
核兵器廃絶国際キャンペーン(ICAN=International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons) のウェブサイトにGFが紹介されました。ICANプロジェクトは、戦争防止医療者協会(Medical Association for Prevention of War: 会長メルボルン大医学部教授:ティルマン・ラフ氏) が中心となって準備を進め、医学者、法律家など多数の専門家の支持を得て核廃絶を目指す運動です。(図絵をクリックするとICANへジャンプします。)

The International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN) aims to galvanize public and government support for multilateral negotiations on a Nuclear Weapons Convention without further delay. Such a treaty would outlaw the production, testing, possession and use of nuclear weapons, and establish the mechanisms needed to eliminate them within an agreed timeframe. Already, a majority of nations support this plan, as do a majority of the world’s people. But we need your help to make it a reality.
フランス・アングレット市における「非核特使」森田節子さんによる被爆者講話 "Hiroshima ou l'indicible: témoignages" [2011年02月28日(Mon)]
On 8 Feburary, Ms. Setsuko Morita, Hiroshima a-bomb survivor, who has delegated by Japanese Government as a special communicator for a world without nuclear weapons has testimonyed at high school in France.
紙芝居「私たちが伝える被爆証言」 We will tell you about the Atomic Bombing [2011年02月25日(Fri)]

The story of this picture book began in 2005, when the third-year students of Sakurababa Junior High School were given an opportunity to hear Mr.Katsuji Yoshida speak about his atomic bombing experiences as part of thier peace education program. After listening to Mr.Katsuji Yoshida who was a second-year shipbuilding student at Nagasaki Prefecture Technical School at the time of the bombing, the students developed a picture-card version of his story for a presentation at their school culture festival. The project was then passed on to the third-year students of 2006, who listened anew to Mr. Yoshida's talks and divided themselves into two groups to work on the script and artwork for a picture book, which was completed in March, 2007.
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