自然環境復元研究 Journal of Nature Restoration and Conservation Vol.8, No .1■発行日:2016年10月
■頒布価格:¥3,000円 在庫限度以内
■巻頭言 Foreword
震災復興と景観再生・・・・・・・・・・原 慶太郎 1
Keitarou HARA: Earthquake disaster reconstruction and landscape ecological
■総説 Review
一新たな地域保全に向けた取り組み一・・・・・・・・・・池谷 透 3
Tohru IKEYA: Activities for Japanese conservation area as the UNESCO World
Natural Heritages and Biosphere Reserves: Towards participatory approach by
local communities: A review
■原著論文 Original Articles
立地環境・・・・・・・・・・ 川瀬 彩・持田幸良 23
Aya KAWASE and Yukira MOCHIDA: Bark stripping of oak (Quercus crispula
Blume) by sika deer in relation to locational factors in Yatsugatake Mountains
southeast foot, central Japan
生育環境特性・・・・・・・・・・岡 浩平・重松翔太・戎谷 遵 33
Kohei OKA, Shota SHIGEMATSU and Jun EBITSUTANI: Habitat for Suaeda
japonica on Kurahashi Island in the Seto Inland Sea
■調査研究報告 Research Report
一長野県上田市日置電機緑地の植栽後27年目の事例一・・・・吉野知明・武田 進 43
Tomoaki YOSHINO and Susumu TAKEDA: Decreased density from self-thinning
in a 27-year-old stand after a“seedling dense planting”: The case of the HIOKI E.E.
CORPORATION, Ueda City, Nagano Prefecture
■技術・実践情報 Technical and Practical Report
フォーラム2015 自然と歴史から考える里浜の未来
一自然のめぐみを最大化する‘里浜復興シナリオ’創出− ・・・・平吹喜彦 51
Yoshihiko HIRABUKI: Forum 2015 on the future-oriented reconstruction of
Satohama after the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake/Tsunami: Nature, history
and ecosystem services
学会活動報告・・・・・・・・・・ 57
学会会則 ・・・・・・・・・・63
投稿規定 ・・・・・・・・・・ 65
自然環境復元学会Nature Restoration and Conservation Society, Japan