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Season's greetings from California [2019年12月25日(Wed)]
四つ葉 待ちに待った クリスマス クリスマスツリーゆきだるまベル るんるん
と フィリピンにクリスマス 台風 Phanfone/
ファンフォンさん(ラオス命名の「動物」だそ〜 ふらふら
大事に至りませぬよう 眼鏡

と カリフォリニアは Vincent さんから
季節の挨拶を クリスマスるんるん
phone to mail to phone to mail to phone to mail to phone to mail to phone to mail to
191223 vincent_xmas2019.jpg
Merry Christmas and Happy
New Year to you ...

I'm not in Canada yet, but I'm
going there at the day before
New Year's Eve. We plan to
visit Quebec City and ski for
about a week at a nearby
mountain depending on snow
condition. It'll be my first time
experiencing Canadian winter...
but for sure it'll be fun!

It's a bit cold in Bay Area as
well, but not cold enough to
wear pants (still wearing shorts
here)... About 12 degrees C here.
It's warmer in Okinawa... isn't
it? Still thinking of good times in
Japan/Okinawa with you and
other friends... I'm still working to
finish my grad school next summer
and I'll let you know when I can
visit again!

I hope you enjoy a wonderful
Christmas and New Year!

Warmest wishes,
phone to mail to phone to mail to phone to mail to phone to mail to phone to mail to

Vincent さん にありがとうございました るんるん

Happy Holidays クリスマスツリーゆきだるまベルるんるん

2008@Designed by 「ヤンデルちゃん」デザインルーム