The trip to Yangam village, the home to Limbu people, took me 28 hours by overnight bus (without a bathroom!), rickshaw, and two jeeps.
Yangnam is located on the foothill of the Himalayas. On the way, I saw beautiful tea plantations and terraced fields.
ヤンナムは、去年、カルロスがビデオワークショップをして、コミュニティの人たちと恊働で「 MISHEK (ミシェック)」を撮影した場所です。現地で翻訳と簡単な荒編集をし、その後、ニューヨークへ持って帰って仕上げました。
NIIFF・ネパール国際先住映画祭 で上映しました。
Last year, Carlos held a workshop in Yangnam, worked together, and filmed a documentary about the ritual and wisdom surrounding fire (Mishek) in a Limbu community. We named the film, “MISHEK – THE SPARK”. Carlos worked with them on translation and brief editing in Yangnam, then brought the footage back to New York and finished it.
We showed “MISHEK” at the
NIIFF, Nepal International Indigenous Festival, in Kathmandu this year. But it was hard for the villagers to make the journey to Kathmandu to see the film. So we brought it.
One of the objectives of Cineminga is to hold community screenings which share the completed film with the people who were involved in making it. It’s always exciting to show the results of our work at the birthplace. I really wanted to come to Yangnam on this trip.
2年前からシネミンガの届けたビデオカメラを使っている青年のチャンドラ・リンブー、 映画祭で事務局をしている女性のリタ・マガールです。
Three Nepali friends came with me to Yangnam: Ravi Limbu (an experienced director) Chandra Limbu (a young filmmaker who actually uses
a camera, supplied by Cineminga two years ago), Rita Thapa Magar, the secretariat for Nepal International Indigenous Film Festival (NIIFF) at Indigenous Film Archive (IFA).
Ravi and Chandra were also the crew of “MISHEK” last year.
The roads to Yangnam changed from bumpy asphalt to two-lane dirt roads to one-lane (scary!) tiny curved mountain tracks on the edge of cliffs.
June was the start of rainy season. On the way, tires got stuck in the muds. Twice, we had to cross two rivers (no bridges) in our jeep in heavy rain. To be honest, I was scared. The driver was very experienced and had excellent skills.
Chandra is a young filmmaker who lives in Yangnam. He told me the camera from Cineminga was not working because batteries were broken and he was trying to replace them. I wanted to film the community screening and get some interviews so I asked Chandra to use my camera.
We had similar problems with broken batteries in Colombia. I guess during charging, sudden high electricity may break batteries. So I gave a surge protected power strip to him and hopefully it will prevent the same problem in the future.
Chandra is the young filmmaker, has so far directed one film. By observing him as he filmed the village during our visit, I thought he was a good director.
Because Yangnam is a very spread out village, we gave the community screenings in three places.
We walked from one to the other along mountain paths. Some of the paths were too narrow for a car.
The first venue was a house where the family had a DVD player and a monitor. It was a full house! Over forty people gathered, including children. They loved the “MISHEK” and asked us to play it one more time.
Next, we went to the house of priest, the main character in the film. He is 82 years old. He didn’t have electricity so I tried to show the film from my laptop. But he told me, “I am an old man and can’t see and hear very well, so you don’t have to show it to me. But thank you for coming.” We took a photo together and said good-bye. (Later, I printed the photo and Chandra gave it to him.)
The last screening was in the community where Chandra has lived. We walked over the mountains for an hour and beautiful scenery welcomed us. If it wasn’t the rainy season, we could have seen the snow-capped Himalayas behind these mountains.
Chandra set up this screening very well; when we got there, seats and a plastic roof (in case of rain) were prepared and the villagers held a welcome ceremony for us. Over sixty people came to see the film.
Unfortunately, electricity broke off in the middle, so we switched to a laptop and small speakers. They loved the film and asked us to show it again.
“MISHEK” was created in the villagers’ language (Limbu) and it’s about their culture.
The people of Yangnam saw themselves and their friends on the screen, which made everyone more interested. By looking at their faces during the screening, I felt it was worth it to come here all the way from Kathmandu.
I was also very happy to see that Chandra kept filming very enthusiastically and asked people in the Limbu language what they thought about the film. It made me think, “Yes, this is the heart of community media. It shows community media’s true worth.”
I believe Chandra’s interviews are very special and it is impossible for us, as foreigners, to get that kind of footage.
Chandra’s next goal is to learn editing. He was also one of the participants in the workshop in Dharan, in central Nepal on this trip. But there was no time to work with him one-on-one. (He had a chance to observe the process, though)
He told me the hard drive we gave him was full of his footage and he really wants to edit it, but he doesn't even have a computer. So our next objective should be taking a computer for the Limbu community, holding a workshop. Hopefully it will lead to the next step: to build a media community center in Yangnam.